.. _refs-results: ========================= List of Available Results ========================= Each time an individual completes service at a service station, a data record of that service is kept. Data records are Named Tuples with the following attributes: .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 :stub-columns: 1 * - Attribute - Description * - :code:`id_number` - The unique identification number for that customer. * - :code:`customer_class` - The number of that customer's customer class. If dynamic customer classes are used, this is the customer's class that they were when they recieved service at that node. * - :code:`original_customer_class` - The number of the customer's class when they arrived at the node. * - :code:`node` - The number of the node at which the service took place. * - :code:`arrival_date` - The date of arrival to that node, the date which the customer joined the queue. * - :code:`waiting_time` - The amount of time the customer spent waiting for service at that node. * - :code:`service_start_date` - The date at which service began at that node. * - :code:`service_time` - The amount of time spent in service at that node. * - :code:`service_end_date` - The date which the customer finished their service at that node. * - :code:`time_blocked` - The amount of time spent blocked at that node. That is the time between finishing service at exiting the node. * - :code:`exit_date` - The date which the customer exited the node. This may be immediatly after service if no blocking occured, or after some period of being blocked. * - :code:`destination` - The number of the customer's destination, that is the next node the customer will join after leaving the current node. If the customer leaves the system, this will be -1. * - :code:`queue_size_at_arrival` - The size of the queue at the customer's arrival date. Does not include the individual themselves. * - :code:`queue_size_at_departure` - The size of the queue at the customer's exit date. Does not include the individual themselves. * - :code:`server_id` - The unique identification number of the server that served that customer. * - :code:`record_type` - Indicates what type of data record this is. See below. The attribute :code:`record_type` can be one of: - :code:`"service"`: a completed service - :code:`"interrupted service"`: an interupted service - :code:`"renege"`: the waiting time while a customer waited before reneging - :code:`"baulk"`: the record of a customer baulking - :code:`"rejection"`: the record of a customer being rejected due to the queue being full You may access these records as a list of named tuples, using the Simulation's :code:`get_all_records` method:: >>> recs = Q.get_all_records() # doctest:+SKIP By default, all record types are included. However, we may only want some of the record types, and these can be filtered by passing a list of desired record types to the :code:`only` keyword argument. For example, to only recieve service and reneging customers, we can use:: >>> recs = Q.get_all_records(only=["service", "renege"]) # doctest:+SKIP