How to Implement a Progress BarΒΆ

For an individual run of a simulation, Ciw can enable a progress bar to appear. This can help visualise how far through a simulation run currently is. A progress bar may be implemented when using the methods simulate_until_max_time and simulate_until_max_customers. In order to implement this, add the option progress_bar=True.

An example when using the simulate_until_max_time method:

>>> Q.simulate_until_max_time(2000.0, progress_bar=True) 

The image below shows an example of the output:

Output of progress bar (simulate_until_max_time).

An example when using the simulate_until_max_customers method:

>>> Q.simulate_until_max_customers(20000, progress_bar=True) 

And the image below shows the output:

Output of progress bar (simulate_until_max_customers).