List of Available Results

Each time an individual completes service at a service station, a data record of that service is kept. Data records are Named Tuples with the following attributes:




The unique identification number for that customer.


The number of that customer’s customer class. If dynamic customer classes are used, this is the customer’s class that they were when they recieved service at that node.


The number of the customer’s class when they arrived at the node.


The number of the node at which the service took place.


The date of arrival to that node, the date which the customer joined the queue.


The amount of time the customer spent waiting for service at that node.


The date at which service began at that node.


The amount of time spent in service at that node.


The date which the customer finished their service at that node.


The amount of time spent blocked at that node. That is the time between finishing service at exiting the node.


The date which the customer exited the node. This may be immediatly after service if no blocking occured, or after some period of being blocked.


The number of the customer’s destination, that is the next node the customer will join after leaving the current node. If the customer leaves the system, this will be -1.


The size of the queue at the customer’s arrival date. Does not include the individual themselves.


The size of the queue at the customer’s exit date. Does not include the individual themselves.


The unique identification number of the server that served that customer.


Indicates what type of data record this is. See below.

The attribute record_type can be one of:
  • "service": a completed service

  • "interrupted service": an interupted service

  • "renege": the waiting time while a customer waited before reneging

  • "baulk": the record of a customer baulking

  • "rejection": the record of a customer being rejected due to the queue being full

You may access these records as a list of named tuples, using the Simulation’s get_all_records method:

>>> recs = Q.get_all_records() 

By default, all record types are included. However, we may only want some of the record types, and these can be filtered by passing a list of desired record types to the only keyword argument. For example, to only recieve service and reneging customers, we can use:

>>> recs = Q.get_all_records(only=["service", "renege"])